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The product is supplied in sealed plastic bags
Content of package: a hygroscopic pad impregnated with Pelodex extract in a polyethylene hermetically sealed package. Quantity – 2 pcs.
Therapeutic indications
Inflammatory, traumatic and degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system (tendovaginitis, synovitis, bursitis, arthritis of the hip, knee joints, foot joints), sports and household injuries. Skin diseases (chronic dermatoses, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, microbial eczema, baldness).
Gynaecological diseases (chronic inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs, consequences of surgical intervention, infertility).
Vascular disease (varicose veins).
Warming Pelodex compress.
It is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Open the metallized package of “Pelodex-compress”. Take out one (if one affected area of the body is to be treated) plastic bag with a pad soaked in Pelodex. Without revealing the hermetic package, immerse the entire package in a container with water heated to 50-55 °C. Keep the pack like this for 8-10 minutes. After heating, take out the package, open the polyethylene package with scissors, remove the pad and apply it to the affected area of the body. Fix the compress, cover it with a film and, to preserve heat, wrap it well with a heat-saving fabric. Exposure of the procedure: for adults from 2-3 hours to 6-8 (possible overnight), children under 12 years of age from 20 minutes to an hour. The course is 10-12 procedures.
Ordinary Pelodex compress.
It is used in the treatment of skin diseases, gynecologicals pathologies, and varicose veins. The procedure is carried out at room temperature (T — 18-25 °C). Open the metallic packaging. Take out one (if one affected area of the body is to be treated) plastic bag with a pad soaked in Pelodex. Open the polyethylene package with scissors, remove the pad and apply to the affected area of the body. Fix the compress, cover with a film. Exposure 20-30 minutes. The course is 8-10 procedures. With varicose veins, it is advisable to carry out the procedure after a short rest. It is better to put your feet on some elevation.
Electrophoresis with Pelodex compress.
It is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gynecological and urological diseases. Open the metallic packaging. Take out plastic bags. Take out pads impregnated with pelodex from them, apply them to the affected area or the reflex-segmental area. Place the electrodes on the pads. The current strength is 0.05-0.1 mA/s m². The course is 10-12 procedures.
Shelf life
The shelf life is 24 months in a cool, dark place.